Located in Ntcheu, Malawi, the Hope Restoration Youth Home is more than an orphanage. We strive to foster a close-knit family environment that not only provides for the kids' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, but also prepares them for a future of hope and independence.
The Home is currently home to 44 kids and is served by 14 staff members.
In cooperation with local businesses, schools, and government organizations, the children are provided with a comprehensive education in a wide variety of topics and subjects, including math, English, craftsmanship, sewing, and more. These programs are made possible by donors like you and set the kids on the path to future success in life.
As part of our mission to prepare our kids for lives of independence and hope, we strive to provide the kids with advanced educations that give them the edge they need to succeed in their future jobs.
The Home's educational programs include:
The picture at left is our girls showing off their brand-new sewing creations, and the picture at right is a picture of our boys with a local carpenter as he was teaching them how to build desks.
In late 2015, a man from Malawi came to the United States in search of assistance for his orphanage.
Through God's hand, he was connected with GBHI Board Member Penny Curtis and her husband Rex. After discussion with the Board of Directors here at GBHI, it was decided that we would assume the responsibility of supporting the daily needs of the children at the orphanage. In August 2016, Give Back Hope International became the sole caretaker of the orphanage.
In our continual efforts to improve the lives of the children and provide for their needs, we have since hired additional staff, worked with local business and government organizations to ensure the long-term stability of the Home, and implemented new programs to serve the kids.
Today, the Home is the home to 44 kids, ranging in age from 5 - 19 years old. Thanks to generous donors like you, the children are provided with three meals per day, school supplies and uniforms, educational materials, beds to sleep on, and much, much more. The Home sits on a 1-acre property in Ntcheu, Malawi, with electricity and running water.
Hope is not lost where love abounds, and it is love that drives the team here at GBHI and on the ground at the Home. Together with our donors, we are able to provide all of these kids' living necessities, from physical daily needs, to an education for the future, to, most importantly, the knowledge that someone deeply loves and cares for them.
Will you join us?
It costs around $75 per month to support each child at the Home. This covers all of their needs, including food, clothes, school supplies, medical care, and all other normal living expenses. Your pledge gives us the ability to provide for these kids' needs today and for years to come.
You will have the opportunity to write letters back and forth to your child and, if you wish, send them gifts when our team visits the Home. When you sponsor a child, you are establishing a relationship of love that will change your child's life forever.
If you'd like to make your one-time donation recur monthly, check the "Make this a monthly donation" box when you enter your donation amount.